Poligono Ind.
SUR-PPI-6 Parcela 42 - Budiño
(frente Maviva)
36475 O Porriño - Pontevedra
On the biological treatment of the effluents, oxygen is essential for the microorganisms breathing. The selective Oxygen introduction on effluents improves the efficiency of treatment stations and helps the water self-cleaning.
The use of CO2 on effluents neutralization, due to the use of inorganic acids, is positive because is an inert and safe product, which doesn't need of manipulation, allows a controlled and soft regulation of pH at 1/10 unit without the risk of over acidification and neutralization without side effects.
Odor problems on waste water treatment and Pumping Station may be corrected with the use of pure Oxygen on the odor source area, in order to oxidize the Sulfur in sulfide state - whose odor is detectable at very low concentrations.
The use of Oxygen may be executed on bioremediation processes and composting, on soils treatment through biological degradation.
The use of Oxygen at the primary and secondary incineration chambers allows the combustion improvement, to eliminate the organic compounds harmful to human health, to increase the incineration capacity, to reduce the fuel costs and to reduce NOx, SOx and CO on atmosphere.
Special gas mixtures are used for calibration and audit the analyzers and environmental equipment used on the continuous monitoring of emissions.
Special gases mixtures are used to calibrate the monitoring equipment of the productive processes that involvess the direct or indirect use of volatile organic compounds, so that the vapors emissions does not violate the national standards or surpasses the established limits.
The special gases are used on specific instruments to detect Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide and Hydrocarbons.
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